Tuesday, September 11, 2012


1. Describe your immediate reaction to September 11 on the day of the attacks. Where were you on September 11?

2. How has September 11 impacted your life and your community? Do you think America is more or less vulnerable now? Explain.

3. How should future generations be educated about September 11? 

4. How best can Americans commemorate September 11? Should September 11 be a national holiday? Why or why not?

5. Where did you get the news on September 11 -- from cable news, network news, newspapers, and/or magazines? 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Isaac Closing In

Please list three facts/vocabulary words that you learned today while reading the article about Tropical Storm Issac. 

Waves batter the coast in Havana, Cuba, on Sunday, August 26, after Tropical Storm Isaac passed the island.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Please list two facts you learned today from our lesson about Moldova.

Also, please list two questions that you have about the country- they can be about the culture, history, holidays, economy, food, people etc. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Stressed Out!

Click on the link below and read the article about stress. Then write a paragraph about stress in your life. Think about these questions:

  • What causes stress in your life?
  • Do you have both good and bad stress in your life? 
  • How to do handle stress?
  • What are the effects of stress on your life? Your relationships? Your body? 
  • What do you do to relieve stress? 


Thursday, April 19, 2012

75 and Sunny!

It is a beautiful day in Columbus, Oh! 75 degrees and sunny outside! Write a brief paragraph explaining how you feel after our weekly walk around the neighborhood! 

Things to consider...

Do you feel better or worse after a walk?
Does it impact your mood? 

Do you feel less stressed? More stressed? 
How does it impact the rest of your day? Are you more motivated? Less motivated? 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Get Healthy in 5 Minutes or Less!

Ladies, please click on the link and read the article. There are about 15 slides you will have to click through with a short paragraph about each. After you have read all of the slides, please pick 3 of these Health Tips that you could try to incorporate into your daily life. 

Please tell me why and or how you can incorporate these tips into your lifestyle!!

Happy Reading!!! 


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tell Me What You Think

Click on the link below and read the short article. Then, tell me what you think!!


Why Get Fit?

Get Fit at Focus with Ms. Jones and Ms. Mutz!! 

Welcome ladies to Get Fit at Focus!! This fitness/health class will take place every Thursday @ 1:00 pm in Ms. Jones' lab! 

In order to earn credit towards Health or PE, you need to complete both the blog assignment and work out each week! 

Today we are going to discuss why fitness matters!! Please click on the link below and read the short article on fitness. When you are finished, please write a brief paragraph on why fitness is important to you.

Also, along with your paragraph I would like you to come up with 1 or 2 goals that you would like to achieve by the end of our sessions in June. 


Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Love My Zoo!

One of my favorite things to do in Columbus is to visit the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. I love the Columbus Zoo for many reasons. First, I love the Columbus Zoo because I love animals. I enjoy seeing all of the animals at the zoo especially in the morning because that is when they are the most active. I also enjoy going to the Columbus Zoo because they have three of my favorite animals- the elephant, the polar bear and the manatee! Another reason why I love the Columbus Zoo is because Jungle Jack Hanna used to be the director of the zoo and still plays a big role in the operation of the Columbus Zoo. For all of these reasons, I believe that the Columbus Zoo should be voted the #1 zoo in the country!

Now that I've told you my opinion on the best zoo in the country--tell me your opinion! Click on the above link to see a list of zoos across the country! Please select one zoo and vote for them! Then, in a brief paragraph, tell me why you voted for that zoo! You could vote because you like the city, the animals they have at that zoo or just because you have never been there!

Write 3-5 sentences about why you voted for that zoo! Be sure to use correct punctuation and spelling!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mardi Gras Traditions

Today is Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday! 


  1. Epiphany, which is celebrated in European countries, marks the coming of the wise men who brought gifts to the Christ Child. Epiphany is celebrated 12 nights after Christmas (January 6th) and people from all over celebrate by exchanging gifts and feasting. The King Cake is a popular custom that is still celebrated and represents the 3 kings who brought gifts to baby Jesus. 
  2. "King Cake Season" lasts from  Epiphany Day (January 6th) until Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday- the day before Lent. 
  3. A plastic baby (or sometimes a bean) is baked inside the King Cake, and the tradition is whoever receives the baby in their piece of cake must buy the next king cake host the next party. The small baby inside the cake is said to represent baby Jesus. 
  4. The tradition was brought to the area by colonists from France and Spain. The first documented King Cake parties date all the way back to the 18th century.
  5. King Cakes are in the shape of a circle and made out of a cinnamon filled dough. The cakes are hollow in the middle and then topped with icing and green, purple and yellow (the colors of Mardi Gras) sugars. 

List of traditions:

  • Krewes and their Royalty
  • Mardi Gras colors
  • Beads and Throws
  • Doubloons
  • The Golden Nugget
  • Masked Riders
  • Mardi Gras Balls
  • The Flambeaux
  • Mardi Gras Indians
  • Ceramic Masks
  • Mardi Gras Floats
  • Mardi Gras Parades 

Here are some resources to help you research a Mardi Gras tradition. 






LIST 5 FACTS ABOUT YOUR TRADITION. PLEASE USE COMPLETE SENTENCES!!! You may also include a picture of your tradition!! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Columbus!

Many of you probably recognize today as Valentine's Day- a day full of candy and flowers! However, today is also the 200th Birthday of the city you live in!!!! Today is the City of Columbus' Bicentennial Birthday! 

So, take a few minutes and answer these 5 questions about the city we call home. If you answer them correctly, you may even earn a Birthday surprise! PLEASE answer your questions in complete sentences! Your answers will only count if they are in complete sentences! 

You can use sites such as Google and Wikipedia to help you find your answers!


1. When was the capital city of Columbus founded? (Month, day and year).

2. Who is the current Mayor of the city of Columbus?

3. Name 3 of Columbus' Sister Cities. 

4. What is the name of this downtown Columbus landmark? And how tall is this building? 

5. What is your favorite activity to do in Columbus? 

Read more about Columbus 200 here: