Get Fit at Focus with Ms. Jones and Ms. Mutz!!

Welcome ladies to Get Fit at Focus!! This fitness/health class will take place every Thursday @ 1:00 pm in Ms. Jones' lab!
In order to earn credit towards Health or PE, you need to complete both the blog assignment and work out each week!
Today we are going to discuss why fitness matters!! Please click on the link below and read the short article on fitness. When you are finished, please write a brief paragraph on why fitness is important to you.
Also, along with your paragraph I would like you to come up with 1 or 2 goals that you would like to achieve by the end of our sessions in June.
fitness is important to me because when your not fit it is harder to do thing that need to be done. i have alot of issues with weight and myself esteem. 1 goal i would like to achieve is to get fit and get a routine and stick with it. my 2nd goal is to be conferrable with what i look like. in this class my goal is to learn how to choose what i eat and to get a paln on how to get fit.
ReplyDeleteFitness is important to me because no matter what you do in life your health is important and if you're not "fit" there are issues that you may come across later in life. At this time in my life i need to learn how to be healthier about my food choices and my daily routines, not only for me but for my baby. One goal i would like to accomplish is to establish a reasonable eating habit. Another goal would be to tone up my body and adopt a nice and easy work out routine. I also wish to build up my self esteem.
ReplyDeleteWell at first I had a few ideas about why fitness is important to me, but then I read the article and my thoughts are different. Fitness is important to me because breast cancer runs in one side of my family. I have a huge chance of getting breast cancer when I grow up. But with staying fit I really hope I can lower my chances.
ReplyDeleteAnother reason, depression. A lot of us ladies have it weather we admit it or not and its a horrible thing to go through. Sleeping for over 12 hours a day and still being tired, not caring about anything. Its fact that exercise helps with these symptoms and any help with depression is better than none.
My goal is to work as hard as I can in this class and take what I've learned home with me to work on being fit and healthy EVERY DAY.
Exercise is an important part of a lifetime of good health! Exercising is also fun and is something you can do with friends or family. Its healthy physical and emotion purpose. Im ready to workout and feel better.
ReplyDeleteFitness is important to me because I want to be healthy and enjoy my life for as long as possible! I want to be active and feel good about myself both mentally and physically. I love the feeling that I get after a good workout. For me personally, it isn't about how much I weigh as how I feel. I want to feel great and know that I am leading a healthy lifestyle. My goal for this course is to just get moving! Become more active and have fun while doing it!!