Monday, September 16, 2013

Community Service

Please read the writing prompt below. Respond to the prompt with a short 2-3 paragraph essay. Please use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. 

Several school districts throughout the country are requiring students to complete a certain amount of community service during their own personal time before they graduate high school. Those who support this program feel that this will help students both to prepare for future jobs and to assist in their communities. However, those who oppose these programs feel that high school students are too busy to complete these requirements and that their spare time is better used pursuing their own interests. Do you feel that it is beneficial to high school students to complete required community service as a requirement for graduation?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

History of Ice Cream

Click on the link below and read the article about the history of ice cream! Then please list 3 new facts that you learned! Please use complete sentences!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Keep Columbus Beautiful!

After participating in today's community clean up event, please reflect on your experience by writing a 2-3 paragraph essay. In this essay, please include a description of your experience and how you felt during and after the clean-up event. In addition to this, please tell us about any future community service projects you would like to pursue and how you would accomplish this. 

For more information about how to get invovled please visit: 

KCB Forms and Resources

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Making Fitness Fun

Read this article on 21 Ways to Make Fitness Fun! Then, list 3 ways in which you can make fitness fun in your life! Or pick three from the list below and tell me how you can incorporate them into your lifestyle! Be creative! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

10,000 Steps Per Day

Have you ever wondered how many steps you take per day? Or how many steps are in a mile? I have! As part of an initiative to get active, I will be starting a walking club along with a few other teachers at Focus Southwest. Every afternoon, (weather permitting), we will be taking a 15-30 minute walk around the neighborhood in an effort to increase physical activity and health!

Please write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences), about your level of physical activity. Physical activity can include: walking (to and from the bus), running, playing with brothers or sisters outside, playing different sports, lifting weights, bicycling, yoga, boxing, yard work, or even cleaning around the house! If you currently are not physically active on a daily basis, try to think of some different ways to incorporate exercise into your every day routine! You can also use the website below as a resource! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Thinking of going to college?

Students, if you are thinking of going to college, then read this article and see what careers are in demand. 

Top 5 Careers

After reading, please tell me which career field interests you most and why. Please use correct spelling and grammar. Your response should be 3-5 sentences long. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

High School Students and Teacher Fighting for "Traditional" Prom

Students, click on the link below and read the article. Please answer the follow up question- remember to use complete sentences, correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 

"Traditional" Prom

Do you think schools should be able to ban gay students from school sponsored events such a prom? Why or why not? 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ad Rejected from Super Bowl Line Up

Read the following article titled "Cola wars: SodaStream’s Super Bowl ad rejected by CBS, company says, but gains popularity online". 

Answer the following questions: 

Why do you think CBS banned Soda Stream's ad during the Super Bowl? Why would it be beneficial for CBS to ban the ad?