Thursday, May 3, 2012

Stressed Out!

Click on the link below and read the article about stress. Then write a paragraph about stress in your life. Think about these questions:

  • What causes stress in your life?
  • Do you have both good and bad stress in your life? 
  • How to do handle stress?
  • What are the effects of stress on your life? Your relationships? Your body? 
  • What do you do to relieve stress?


  1. I have alot of stress in my life ncluding trying to figure out what I'm going to do when i have my son, school, family issues, and my relationship. I don't think i have any "good" stress in my life, it's all "bad" stress. When i get stressed i don't know how to handle it and most of the time i break down and cry or yell/argue with my family and my boyfriend. When this happens it puts me in a place where i feel alone because everyone is mad at me and stays away from me. It doesn't help that my emotions are always crazy and out of wack because on my mood swings, so when everyone is mad at me it puts more stress on me. I never know how to relieve my stress so when ever i feel stressed I just go to my room and either watch tv or take a nap.

  2. School causes the most stress in my life. "I have to get up and go, oh no i didn't get up early enough. I want to get this class done today, oh no I didn't get anything done today." These thoughts go through my head almost everyday and now that its two weeks until graduation I'm stressing out so much more even as we speak. There is some good stress. I'm stressing about my senior picture, I just can't wait to get them done. I also stress about talking to my brother in Florida, he's safe and everything I just feel better talking to him every once in a while. I don't handle stress well at all. My boyfriend says that I over stress EVERYTHING but I just can't help myself. some nights it gets so bad that it leads to depression. And its all over the stupidest things! To relieve my stress I do the really wrong thing of wanting to sleep it off. Which leads to sleeping 12 hours a night which leads to depression and over sleeping for school which stresses me out even more because I can't get myself out of bed to prevent the things I stress about! Its a bad circle of stress and I need to find another way of handling it.
