Tuesday, September 11, 2012


1. Describe your immediate reaction to September 11 on the day of the attacks. Where were you on September 11?

2. How has September 11 impacted your life and your community? Do you think America is more or less vulnerable now? Explain.

3. How should future generations be educated about September 11? 

4. How best can Americans commemorate September 11? Should September 11 be a national holiday? Why or why not?

5. Where did you get the news on September 11 -- from cable news, network news, newspapers, and/or magazines? 


  1. 1.On September 11 i was in elementary school , i was in kindergarten. 2.September 11 effected our community it made people sad and alot of people lost loved ones on that day.I think america is less vulnerable now becuase we are prepared if something big like this would happen to us agian. 3.I think future generations should be educated about this every year on 9/11. Teachers should talk to thier students about this and give a momment of silence. 4.Yes i think september 11 should be a national holiday , hundreds of people 's lives were lost in this attack. We should make september 11 a day of remembrance. 5.I got the news from cable news. My mother came and picked me up from school earily and we were sitten at my grandma's watching the news.

  2. 1. I was super scared and sad. I was in the 1st grade at southwood elementary.. My teacher was Mrs.Demoss. 2.It was an impacted to me and my community. It impacked mine and my community life because alot of people was dieing and had die already. 3. I think teacher should teach about 9/11 and students shouild have to watch and learn about 9/11. 4. I think american is less vunlnerable because i think they would be more prepared. Have a moment of silence for the people that lost there lives. Yes i think it should be a national holiday because it is and imporntant moment in history. 5.I got the news from my teacher then we all went up stairs and turned the tv on..

  3. 1 i was in first grade when this happened,i got out early because of it,an i didnt know what was happening.2 everyone was talking about it the next day,i think america is more prepared for that now.3 id say if we show them these videos theyll know more about it,its like how we know about pearl harbor.4 i would say it should just be a day of rememberance.5 i think i got the news on cnn

  4. 1)I was in thea secound grade an i was devistetid i didint understand it.
    2)It has infected all of our lifes an every body show there respect to the people who have past, and we are less vulnerable now we have some sort of idea of what could happend.
    3)The only way to be aducated on it is to watch the videos they have on it would be the best way.
    4)they built that waterfall an just remember the people who died,i dont think it would be a could one but it has enough meaning to be one i just dont thank it would be because all the people who died.
    5)I got the news from school i dont kno forshore but it was rememberbal to me i still remember like it was just the other day.

  5. 1)My immediate reaction to 9-11 was that this is scary,nerve racking,and a life and death situation.I also thought that the 9-11 attack was made by terrorists.On September,11 i was at my grandparents house and she was telling me and my brothers about what happen. 2) It was impacted on my life because growing up i always had to hear about 9-11. I think America is less vulnerable because of the economy and the environment we live in is terrible. 3)Future educators should teach 9-11 because i think all kids need to know about the danger that 9-11 caused the U.S, and the people around it. They should also show movies,magazines and tell stories about the 9-11 attack. 4)9-11 should be a holiday because of the people that died in there. 9-11 should also be a holiday so that the people in the world that lost there families cn all have a certain day to appreciate their families on that day. 5)I got the news from my grandparents, movies, and the computer. I also learned about 9-11 by going to school and learning new things about9-11 every time.

  6. 1.i was and school when it happen and i aint feel no way because i aint understand it.
    2.it took away vaule because people was living and fear.
    3.i feel like our younger kids need to know because it important infornmation.
    4. i dont feel like it should be a holiday. why keep rememing people what happen.
    5.i got the new from school. when it happen my school had the news on.
