Tuesday, April 23, 2013

10,000 Steps Per Day

Have you ever wondered how many steps you take per day? Or how many steps are in a mile? I have! As part of an initiative to get active, I will be starting a walking club along with a few other teachers at Focus Southwest. Every afternoon, (weather permitting), we will be taking a 15-30 minute walk around the neighborhood in an effort to increase physical activity and health!

Please write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences), about your level of physical activity. Physical activity can include: walking (to and from the bus), running, playing with brothers or sisters outside, playing different sports, lifting weights, bicycling, yoga, boxing, yard work, or even cleaning around the house! If you currently are not physically active on a daily basis, try to think of some different ways to incorporate exercise into your every day routine! You can also use the website below as a resource! 


  1. I am working toward taking more steps each day along with Ms. Jones. We took a nice 1 mile walk today and the weather was perfect! I wish more students would have taken the opportunity.

    My physical activity goes up and down. I started doing Tae-bo a couple months ago and consistently did that four times per week for 6 weeks. Spring break put me off my schedule, so I need to pick it back up as soon as possible. In addition to the Tae-bo, I have three young children at home so chasing them around keeps me on my feet! I will be stepping it up real soon! How about you?

  2. Every week I'm active by walking a lot. Every week I'm active by working out three hours a day depending on how I feel. Sometimes I work out two times a day. Last but not least, I jog on average two hours a day. Other days when I feel more energetic, I'll jog longer. That's pretty much what I do on a daily basis.

  3. After seeing Ms. Jones and Ms. Straight count their steps, I am following in their footsteps (no pun intended!) to try and get healthier. My work out routine ebbs and flows depending on the time of year, weather, and what else I have going on. Recently, I have been taking my daughter on walks in the jogging stroller - between the walking and pushing the stroller, it's quite a workout! I used to run and do yoga and would like to pick those activities back up. I need to be healthy to keep up with my 16 month old and her endless energy!

  4. I try to incorporate some sort of physical activity into each day. Every Wednesday, I play indoor volleyball at the YMCA downtown for about 35 minutes. During the summer, I play sand volleyball for about a couple times per week. I also started taking boxing classes about 2 months ago. I attend 4-5 classes per week and each class is 1 hour long. I also enjoy playing basketball with my nephew and taking my nieces to the park. In the summer, biking, swimming, hiking, and playing Frisbee are some of my favorite activities. I would like to become a better runner and would like to be able to run 2-3 miles about 3 times per week. I am using a Nike Fuel-band to help me track the number of steps I take per day and how many calories I burn.
